Alien Arrival! - 2D Shooter 

Project modifications:

1) Modified level 1, then added and modified levels 2 and 3.

2) In all levels, added black holes with properties to kill player if they collide with it. Also, created a spawning alien station prefab (which cannot be destroyed) and a separate alien station prefab which acts like an environmental hazard and can be destroyed for points.

3) Modified the InGameUI Canvas for level 3 to include a Game Win notification upon completion of the level that leads back to Main Menu. This canvas became a new prefab. 

4) In Levels 1 and 2, added asteroids as hazards (enemies) and their destruction earns points. In level 2, the player can shoot through a wall of asteroids to uncover more enemies.

5) Modified music audio to be different on all levels (from files provided). 

6) Modified the name of the game in the Main Menu.

7) Added Instructions to the Main Menu -> Instructions page.

8) Modified the background of the Main Menu page with a space background and some of the game elements. 

9) Resized the score and high score text. 

Created by:

Daniela de la Torre


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